Friday, September 22, 2017

Takeaway from the Workshop: Tips and Free Editing Advice

One of the most helpful things I got from the Writer's Workshop in Midland last weekend, was editing advice.

So, I will be rewriting the first chapter of Nate's Gold.
While, I drove to my parent's home on Monday I reworked the chapter. In my head of course. Well some of it was out loud and since I don't have a Dictaphone yet I called my daughter and made her take notes. Daughters are good note takers.

While I was in line, waiting for my grandson's to get out of school, I wrote about four pages of my rewrite. My daughter was sick so I picked my grandsons up. I enjoyed spending time with them. They are great boys.

Back to the rewrite.
I had a lot of great ideas. I don't think I discarded any of them. Monday afternoon I will get them written in Microsoft Word and see about meshing the rewrite with the current chapter.
I was asked, by the Agent I pitched too, if I could add another 30,000 words. Here is a great start.

I also listened to the lectures about POV, which means Point Of View. And I think there is quite a bit I need to rewrite and or polish.

So, I am ready to work on Monday!

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